Sunday, September 5, 2010


Wow...Where to begin??? This summer has been crazy! Not at all what I expected, but a life lesson in the making.

Family: My grandmother passed last month. Although, she was sick and I knew the inevitable was going to still hurt. She was a beautiful person inside and out. And I am so blessed to have had her in my life :) She was my biggest supporter and I know she was proud and that means so much to me. My grandmother, mother, and I all have the same name "Idell". We went from 3 to 2 in the physical sense, but we will always have 3 in the spiritual sense.

Relationships: An emotional rollercoaster! I cannot begin to explain the emotions I have felt this year. It's apart of life and a growing experience that will only strengthen me as an individual and a partner.

School: Dentistry, Dentistry, Dentistry! I'm learning so much and taking advantage of every opportunity presented to me to move forward. I feel a stronger passion and desire to work in the community dentistry aspect every year. Prayerfully, I will be able to accomplish my goals to help others.

Friendship: I am blessed to have individuals in my life to help me, not hinder me! I love my friends and I pray that I am just as helpful to them as they are to me.

Life: It's a cycle of love, lost, growth, and experience. At the end of the day, I can only thank God for keeping me by his side daily. I know, if I didn't have my faith I would not have been able to deal with the circumstances thrown at me this year. I'm very appreciative that God has blessed me with a support system within myself and my environment to help me one step at a time :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010



Things are going well, I feel blessed! I know God is watching over me and showing favor upon me. Knowing GOD is a BEAUTIFUL blessing :)


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals. ~Dorothy Height

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Today has been very strange, however, it's almost over and tomorrow is a NEW day! Lord knows I'm looking forward to it :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

For Freedom Not For Beauty

For Freedom Not For Beauty

There's a beauty that lives so deep inside each of us.
There's a fickle eye that doesn't believe anything it sees.
There's a benefit in love that erases all doubt and believes good intentions.
There's an ear that isn't free enough to give the honest man the
benefit of the doubt cluttered by lies not-mentioned.

Since when is creativity subject to criticism?
When is honesty subject to a jury of fears who wouldn't believe rain
if it fell, or sun if it shined?

Sometimes a flower grows when no ones watching.
Sometimes a bird sings and no one hears.
There's a meadow no one runs on and a cloud no one names.

And what would the sky be with out the sun?
What would the earth be with out its rose?
They'd still be the sky and the Earth.

So perhaps there is a peace in becoming.
Perhaps the meaning is in the experience and not the sight.
Maybe a flower grows because it suffocates under ground.

Whether or not she is always noticed, beauty must become.

She doesn't look for an eye.
She doesn't listen for a voice.
She just becomes.

--Chrisette Michele

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I hate the extra thinking and emotions that come when dealing with men...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Juke Box Love Song

Juke Box Love Song
by Langston Hughes

I could take the Harlem night
and wrap around you,
Take the neon lights and make a crown,
Take the Lenox Avenue busses,
Taxis, subways,
And for your love song tone their rumble down.
Take Harlem's heartbeat,
Make a drumbeat,
Put it on a record,
let it whirl,
And while we listen to it play,
Dance with you till day--
Dance with you, my sweet brown Harlem girl