Sunday, September 5, 2010


Wow...Where to begin??? This summer has been crazy! Not at all what I expected, but a life lesson in the making.

Family: My grandmother passed last month. Although, she was sick and I knew the inevitable was going to still hurt. She was a beautiful person inside and out. And I am so blessed to have had her in my life :) She was my biggest supporter and I know she was proud and that means so much to me. My grandmother, mother, and I all have the same name "Idell". We went from 3 to 2 in the physical sense, but we will always have 3 in the spiritual sense.

Relationships: An emotional rollercoaster! I cannot begin to explain the emotions I have felt this year. It's apart of life and a growing experience that will only strengthen me as an individual and a partner.

School: Dentistry, Dentistry, Dentistry! I'm learning so much and taking advantage of every opportunity presented to me to move forward. I feel a stronger passion and desire to work in the community dentistry aspect every year. Prayerfully, I will be able to accomplish my goals to help others.

Friendship: I am blessed to have individuals in my life to help me, not hinder me! I love my friends and I pray that I am just as helpful to them as they are to me.

Life: It's a cycle of love, lost, growth, and experience. At the end of the day, I can only thank God for keeping me by his side daily. I know, if I didn't have my faith I would not have been able to deal with the circumstances thrown at me this year. I'm very appreciative that God has blessed me with a support system within myself and my environment to help me one step at a time :)

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