Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ladybugs and Nature....

I came home today and ladybugs were all over the place, the doors and windows, just everywhere. Ladybugs are okay I guess, but they are still bugs and I'm not that crazy about bugs.

One night I was coming home and I was going up the stairs leading to my apartment and a raccoon was digging in someones trash, it started watching me as much as I was watching him. It's eyes stood out so much because of the dark strip across their eyes, it was scary...lol. And then another night I'm rushing to get home because it is freezing outside, and I almost run into a deer...LOL. I see them at the most random times and they are use to people, not cool at all. It scared me to death...

I'm a city girl! I lived in Texas for awhile, but that's the most rural I've gotten. I don't like this 'nature' experience...lol. This is going to take some time to get use to, CLEARLY!

~Thoughts of A Lady

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